Beatbox Whiz

Beatbox Whiz Lessons The Human Drum-kit! Bass drum, the snare, hi-hats, throw in a kick-roll, some scratching, and better still, sing along while keeping the beats going. There you got it - your very own walking drum-kit. Beat boxing is a form of vocal percussion - generating sounds usually made by drums and other musical instruments with your lips, tongue, voice and a microphone. We cater our course to everyone from the beginner interested in picking up the basics of vocal percussion, to the beatboxer wanting to further hone that inward hum=). Welcome to the world of funky drumming and cool beats, all done by the human mouth!

Students have a choice of choosing individual or group lessons. Learn the art of vocal percussion better known as Beatboxing. The course will teach you the technique of producing drum beats, rhythm and musical sounds using your mouth, lips, tongue, voice and more. This program is design for students Age 10 years and above.