Jackeline Carter

Jackeline is a motivational trainer/speaker and holds a Bachelor of Arts with Honours from the University of Texas at El Paso (majoring in English and American Literature) and a Diploma in Human Resource Development from the Singapore Institute of Management. The College Reading and Learning Association in the area of Study Skills also certify Jackeline as a Master Tutor.
She has many years of experience in Human Performance Improvement, Team Coaching and Group Facilitation in public and private organisations. Jackeline has conducted training programmes in Singapore, Malaysia and the United States and her versatility enables her to create programmes that cater to children and adults. Jackeline also specialises in Customer Service Management, Entrepreneurship, Retail Operations and Retail Consultancy.
She is also a Part-Time Lecturer at Singapore Polytechnic and has conducted training at the Polytechnic in Customer Management for the Optical Industry, Entrepreneur training, Store Management, Business Development, IDEA (Creative Thinking) and Retail Financing.
She was also involved in the Customer Centric Initiative launch by the National Trade Union Congress to improve the service standards of retailers in Singapore.
She also specializes in Public Speaking for children Age 7 and up and is a guest trainer at NIE teaching experiential and drama methodology to student teachers.
Jackeline has approximately 20 years of experience in Retail Operations, Customer Service and Training.