Pop Vocals

It’s not just a pop vocals course, it’s the Art of vocal singing. There are a myriad of genres in music and each requires different techniques. During this course, our instructor will first assess students to better comprehend their vocal abilities and subsequently to construct the direction in which they wish and should develop in. Students will be taught the fundamental vocal techniques to help them build a strong foundation. A highlight of our course is that students are given 'take-home exercises' specific to the topic of the day which they can experiment with and practise in their own free time too!

Students have a choice of choosing individual or group lessons. We emphasize English songs in our classes however if there is a special request to learn singing in Mandarin, our trainers can accommodate this request. The course covers the following topics:

  • Diaphragmic breathing
  • Vocal Articulation
  • Vocal Expression
  • Vocal Harmonizing
  • Vocal Pitch
  • Vocal Control
  • Vocal Dynamics
  • Vocal Projection
  • Vocal Improvisation
  • Vocal Accents
  • Mic Techniques